Tuesday, May 26, 2009



Robert Johnson went down to the crossroads to get the magic pick. Wally Wood wanted the magic pencil. I'd like the magic - uh, whatever it is that makes fractals... uh, formula? Yeah, the magic formula... that old black magic, has got me under its skin. Hey, that didn't come out right!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fallen World

Fallen World

I've often thought Religious Philosophy's "Problem of Evil" is just another way of saying "it's a fallen world", a point conceded very early on in most holy writings. We were kicked out of heaven. Are fractals heaven? In a way, yes. So what are fractals doing here?!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009



The reference shouldn't be too hard to figure out ... ;-)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

May Day

May Day

Workers of the world unite! I heard a story the other day of workers in a factory in France holding managers hostage who had come to tell them they were laid off. I think someone missed the point somewhere. I don't know how it was finally resolved.

Speaking of France, I believe "mayday!", the distress call, is derived from the french, "m'aider!", meaning "help me!"

I think May Day, the workers day, is actually May 1, so I should have posted this fractal then.