Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fractal in Rock

Fractal in Rock

Rock is an interesting word, usually positive connotations. Rock and Roll. Steady as a Rock. Rock of Gibraltar. Rock Hudson. Northern Rock. Get a piece of the Rock. So I decided to do a fractal in rock.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Matter of Life in Retrospect

Matter of Life in Retrospect

Caked on, imperceptible, dribbled from height, brick, stab, the colours ebb, merge, flow, trickle, pool, drain. Phantoms, suggestions, hints. What was, what might have been. Brushstrokes. Although on the whole, I'm more partial to pen and ink, calligraphy... But yes, 3D is a worthwhile branch. The formulas for light optics have been known for centuries unlike those for fractal geometry which were mostly suspected until the computer age. Now we can have both.

Monday, February 04, 2008

The Lonely Idea

The Lonely Idea

Do ideas prefer company?! Are artistic ideas comparable to technical ideas? Perhaps it's just the goals that are different. Art strives for pleasing aesthetics (which paradoxically can sometimes be unpleasant to look at) while computer programs for example mainly try for labour saving output. But you can have a computer program so well written that it is a work of art. Whenever I encounter these, I think what a shame that virtually no one will see it, except for the next maintenance programmer. The lonely idea.